Dear Listeners!

In our application we want to track the pages a user has visited and provide
a "last visited object" widget in the application for faster access.

Our idea was to provide an Annotation @LastVisitedPage on the page to mark
the pages that should be included in the history (like it is done in the
breadcrumb project of

The text shown in the last visited object should be rendered by the page due
to performance and translation purposes. The track should be written after
the page is rendererd.

@LastVisitedPage(summary="prop:summary", context="prop:context")
public class PageA
    private Bean bean;

private Messages messages;
private Repository repository;

void onActivate(Long id)
this.bean = repository.loadBean(id);
 public String getSummary()
return messages.get("") + " " + bean.getSummary();

public Long getContext()
return bean.getId();

Is the following solution possible and could you provide an example for
processing the properties?
I don't know how to access the props from the Annotation in the Dispatcher.

Best regards,

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