Greetings all:

I recently started to manage an application written by someone long gone, after 
the application had sat unattended and unmanaged for ages.  The application is 
currently running on Java 4, Tomcat 5.0, and uses Tapestry 3.0.1, running on 
32bit Windows 2000 server.  We'd like to upgrade the whole system to 64bit 
Windows 2008 - and doing so requires all new services since the current 
versions of Java and Tomcat do not support 64 bits.

After a bit of thrashing with the various configuration files and deprecated 
methods, I've mostly gotten Tomcat 7 to where it will start, with the exception 
of the Tapestry entry in web.xml .  web.xml has a stanza that looks like this:


Tomcat starts up without complaint without that stanza (but of course the 
application doesn't work), or it complains that "taglib definition not 
consistent with specification version" with that stanza in.  No doubt the TLD 
inside the jar file does not meet with the new J2EE server specification.

I have never used or even touched Tapestry, although I'm otherwise comfortable 
in Java.

I'm concerned about upgrading to the latest tapestry version.  Since this 
application was written by someone else, I don't know if I know enough about it 
to test all corners of the app to make sure his code is compatible with an 
upgraded jar.  Said another way, I don't yet know the business process well 
enough to hit every corner of the application.

Will the new version be backwards compatible with the code?  Alternatively, 
would it be reasonable to open the 3.0.1 jar file and modify the TLD?  And if 
that's possible, what should the new specification look like?  I especially 
don't know what the URL for the specification should be.

Bottom line - what is my most reasonable course forward?  

  Chris Parker

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