tapestry-beanvalidator depends only on JSR 303 specification. You need to
drop an implementation of the specification (like Hibernate Validator) on
the classpath. It is not provided by Tapestry.

Regarding contribution to BeanValidatorSource: you don't need to contribute
anything in order to bootstrap the validator. The configuration shown on the
docs is just an example for a programmatic validator configuration.

On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 2:34 AM, Greg Pagendam-Turner <g...@liftyourgame.com
> wrote:

> What dependency provides: BeanValidatorSource ?
> In my gradle build I have:
>    compile group: 'org.apache.tapestry', name: 'tapestry-core', version:
> '5.2.6'
>    compile group: 'org.apache.tapestry', name: 'tapestry-hibernate',
> version: '5.2.6'
>    compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 
> 'hibernate-validator-**annotation-processor',
> version: '4.1.0.Final'
> but my IntelliJ project is not resolving BeanValidatorSource.
> Also, 
> onhttp://tapestry.apache.org/**bean-validation.html<http://tapestry.apache.org/bean-validation.html>
>  it talks about bootstraping the Bean Validator. I take it that this code
> goes in my AppModule?
> @Contribute(**BeanValidatorSource.class)
> public  static  void provideBeanValidatorConfigurer**
> (OrderedConfiguration<**BeanValidatorConfigurer>  configuration)
> {
>   configuration.add("**MyConfigurer",new  BeanValidatorConfigurer()
>   {
>      public  void configure(javax.validation.**Configuration<?>
>  configuration)
>      {
>         configuration.**ignoreXmlConfiguration();
>      }
>   });
> }
> Regards,
> Greg.

Best regards,

Igor Drobiazko

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