Because it IS a parameter binding.  The parameter is "value".  You're trying to 
bind a value to it.  In your case, you're trying to bind the literal value << 
to it. But the default prefix for value for output raw is "prop", and you don't 
specify otherwise, so it assumes you've provided a property expression, and 
attempts to convert " &lt;&lt; " to a property expression, and fails.  I gave 
two possible solutions in my previous e-mail; Steve gave another (which I 
neglected to add before): prefix your value with "literal:" which will override 
the default binding type of "prop":

<teventlink t:id="firstpage"><t:outputraw value="literal: &lt;&lt; "/>

Also, why are you wrapping eventlink in an anchor? Event link will generate an 
anchor tag for you...

<div style="font-size:10pt; text-align: center;">
  <a t:type="eventlink" t:id="firstpage"><t:outputraw value="literal: &lt;&lt; 

The one thing that I don't recall offhand is whether the literal binding trims 
whitespace off the ends of the value; you'll have to check that.


On Sep 3, 2011, at 9/39:46 AM , Ken in Nashua wrote:

> Hi All,
> I went with the symbols &lt;&lt; but tap5 is not holding water for some 
> reason.
> location
>    classpath:org/tynamo/examples/hibernatesecurity/components/Gallery.tml, 
> line 50
> ...
>    </td>
> </tr>
> <tr>
>    <td align="left" NOWRAP="nowrap" colspan="2">
>        <div style="font-size:10pt; text-align: center;">
>            <a> <t:eventLink t:id="FirstPage"/> <t:outputraw value=" &lt;&lt; 
> "/> </a> 
> ...
> last line is the culprit
> Could not convert ' << ' into a component parameter binding: 
>    Error parsing property expression ' << ': Unable to parse input at 
> character position 2.
> Why would tapestry think &lt;&lt; is a parameter binding ?
> thanks in advance                                       

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