This is a new approach I'm taking to compose pages. I'm trying to convert an
existing application to tapestry but one page turned out to be really big
and hard to maintain. This page has many form fields. Some fields should
always exists, and conditionally show other fields depending on a condition,
let's say a "test type".

I used to do this in one page template, then conditionally showing the
fields I want using the "t:if" component and a configured bean-editor
Then I decided to go more scalable so I decided to make a page for each
"test" and inherit the page with the common fields. This will release me for
the messy "t:if" "p:else" tags all over the center of the page.

Now I'm facing an issue that my parent page has injected components
(@InjectComponent) and when displaying the child page, it complains:
Component tests/DNSTest does not contain embedded component 'gatewayField'.
The "gatewayField" variable exists in the parent page as:
private TextField gatewayField

..and there are other fields. I tried adding @Property, and getters\setters
my self, still didn't work. It only worked when I commented these fields and
code referring to them.

How can I resolve this ? And is this the best approach to dynamically
construct a page ?

Thank you all for your time :)

*Muhammad Gelbana
Java Developer*

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