On 15.11.2011 16:20, Julien Martin wrote:

> I have tried to use IntelliJ for my beginnings with tapestry and I am
> somewhat frustrated with my experience. I have to redeploy everything each
> time I make a change.

In my setup I only have to redeploy on changes on the class files.
Chaning TML files only requires a reload.

> My question is: will intelliJ soon bring the same tapestry experience as
> eclipse does or do you advise I switch to eclipe instead?

As far as I know Eclipse does not support Ctrl+Click on Properties in
the TML to switch to the Java code or usage search in the other direction.

My advise is to configure the deployment settings in IntelliJ, it is the
better IDE, not just for Tapestry, IMO.

- Stephan

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