Hi, I went for customizing the Location page,

generated a pages/show/LocalityShow.java and .tml

the tml I copied it from the Show.tml file

and the .java I overrided the following methods:

    public Class<Sucursal> getType() {
>     public Link onActionFromDelete() {
>     public boolean isAllowRemove() {

the result is that after I create a new Locality, it forwards to the show
locality page but before rendering this error shows up:

> Render queue error in
> SetupRender[tynamo/PropertyDisplayBlocks:composition]: Failure reading
> parameter 'owner' of component tynamo/PropertyDisplayBlocks:composition:
> Class org.apache.tapestry5.corelib.components.BeanDisplay does not contain
> a property named 'null'.

sorry but I can't figure out what this is about... :S

Would be glad if someone threw some invoice here,



On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 9:19 AM, Nicolas Barrera <nbarr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all, (sorry I 'm asking about tynamo on Tapestry's user list but I
> tried to use us...@tynamo.codehaus.org but mailer said it wasn't working)
> Here goes a newbie question runner up...:
> I got a tynamo app working using the archetype and then modifying it, I
> got two model classes
> - Person
> - Locality
> so that a person lives in a locality, then it has a reference to it.
> When I try deleting a Locality (one that some Person is still
> referencing)  using the delete link on the generic Show page I got an 
> org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException,
> that's fine it sounds logical as I ain't got any cascade configured.
> But my question is...,
> - Am I obliged to make a custom page in order to catch up that exception
> and show the user a friendly message? (something like "hey!, you can't
> delete this locality as it's referenced by other persons")
> - I 've read about the tynamo-exceptionpage module which I think it will
> catch up the error, but will show a generic error message per exception I
> register am I right?
> I hope you could help me on my tynamo baptism...
> cheers and thanks in advance!
> Nicolás.-

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