Hi Tap List -

Disclaimer:  I'm more systems than dev at the moment, but I can fumble my way 
through J2EE deving and have implemented a standard protocol for telephony 
signalling in the early 2000's - I'm not pure dev these days because 10 years 
ago the complexity of java web dev put me off (read: xml config).  But tapestry 
is great!

Short version:
Drupal -> Tapestry port  -  has anyone done something similar with _any_ CMS to 

If the CSS is available, and I make my blocks/template/components the same 
names/layout - I can't imagine there being much more special-ness to add.
Comments?   Is it that simple?


1..  Personally, I'm sick of doing PHP stuff.  I'm an old time hack these days 
:)  and I like my network and systems than web stuff.   Nothing is 
out-of-the-box magic, so if I _have_ to do stuff, I'd rather do it in tapestry.

2.. To create the ability to port from a PHP(any) CMS to tapestry.

The way I see it - the model is pretty much there in the DB, lots of people 
have learned OO stuff  - and you can craft most of it in a day or two if a) 
it's a crappy schema; or, b) it's just not the type of thing you're good at.  
You could point at it with POJOGEN (http://pojogen.sourceforge.net/ - used it, 
no probs for me) or eclipse I believe.

Longer version:  if you're still reading - cool - me too :)

I've had an idea for ages - I like just hacking at bits of code here and there 
but as I get a little bit older there's a little bit less and less wanting to 
do so - a comment from a tapestry legend (GC of jumpstart fame) set it off - 
why dive into an existing framework to find it's bugs and mangle with it when 
you don't have to with tapestry.

Having used drupal for 4+ years for prototypes and what not, I just don't like 
PHP.   I've got some junk testing libs that come-to-think-off-it will put up on 
github if they still work - e.g. webservices etc.  great - drupal for instance 
is just coming out of v6 and into v7 (well for 12 months) but v6 websites are 
still out there in the thousands.

If I get started, on it (which I will) is there anyone that's willing to follow 
me down the rabbit hole?

On a slight tangent:
Same with sugarcrm - the last CRM migration I did was 5 years ago (it seems, 
maybe).  It's an OK CRM but a CRM is a massive undertaking.   These CRMs charge 
$12 - $20+/user/month -  tapestry community could make something like that 
within 12 months.  Sort of Co-Op style.



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