It seems I'm having troubles explaining what it is I'm trying to do. I need
an implementation for generateInfoWindowHtml() in the code below.

public class GoogleMap {
        JavaScriptSupport jsSupport;

        RenderCommand infoWindow;

        List<GoogleMapMarker> markers;

        double centerLatitude;

        double centerLongitude;

        int zoom;

        void setupRender() {
                JSONObject mapInitializer = createInitializerJsonObject();
                jsSupport.addScript("initGoogleMap(%s)", mapInitializer);

        private JSONObject createInitializerJsonObject() {
                JSONObject init = new JSONObject();
                JSONArray markerInits = new JSONArray();
                for (GoogleMapMarker marker : markers) {
                        JSONObject markerInit = new JSONObject();
                        markerInit.put("latitude", marker.getLatitude());
                        markerInit.put("longitude", marker.getLongitude());
                init.put("centerLatutude", centerLatitude);
                init.put("centerLongitude", centerLongitude);
                init.put("zoom", zoom);
                init.put("markers", markerInits);

                return init;

        private String generateInfoWindowHtml(GoogleMapMarker marker) {
                // Use tapestry's template engine to generate html using
marker and infoWindow


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