Thanks for your thoughts Paul



On 27/02/2012, at 4:37 PM, Paul Stanton <> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> The following seems to work, although I'm not entirely sure if it should !!
> If the tapestry IOC geniuses agree, it is quite elegant and you can @Inject 
> Session within your DaoImpl.
> Basically, injecting the PerthreadManager allows you to tell tapestry-ioc 
> that your thread is complete. This will perform all the necessary cleanup. 
> You only need to do this when you create your own threads obviously.
> I'm just not sure if its the best idea to inject the Dao at the top level, 
> since the object (and possibly session) would be re-used in both contexts.
> public class MyPage {
>    @Inject
>    private PerthreadManager ptm;
>    @Inject
>    private Dao dao;
>    void setupRender() {
>        dao.getSomething();
>        new Thread("MyThread") {
>            @Override
>            public void run() {
>                try {
>                    List<MyEntity> stuff = dao.getSomething();
>                    doSomethingWithIt(stuff);
>                }
>                finally {
>                    ptm.cleanup();
>                }
>            }
>        }.start();
>    }
> }
> Can someone who knows please confirm or correct this theory please!!
> Thanks, Paul.
> On 29/01/2012 4:23 PM, Greg Pagendam-Turner wrote:
>> In answer to my own question:
>> Inject HibernateSessionSource and call its create() method to get a new 
>> session.
>>    public synchronized void execute(String url, String subject, SendEmail 
>> sendEmail, HibernateSessionSource sessionSource) {
>>        // For each mailout fetch url and send mailout
>>        logger.debug("BulkEmailerImpl.execute was called 
>> --------------------------------");
>>        Session session = sessionSource.create();
>>        userDAO = new UserDAOImpl(session);
>> I just need to find a better way of instantiating the DAO.
>> Regards,
>> Greg
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject:     Reusing tapestry hibernate session in a thread
>> Date:     Sun, 29 Jan 2012 11:28:41 +1000
>> From:     Greg Pagendam-Turner <>
>> Organization:     Liftyourgame
>> To:     Tapestry users scheduled thread <>
>> Hi,
>> I have a batch job that sends email to users based on a query in my
>> database.
>> AppModule starts it up like so in a:
>>    @Startup
>>    public static void scheduleJobs(PeriodicExecutor executor, final
>> BulkEmailer emailer,
>>                                    @Value("${liftyourgame.url}")
>> String urlIn,
>>                                    @Value("${liftyourgame.subject}")
>> String subjectIn,
>>                                    final SendEmail sendEmail
>>    ) {
>>        final String url = urlIn;
>>        final String subject = subjectIn;
>>        executor.addJob(new CronSchedule("0 0/5 * * * ?"),
>>          "BulkEmailer",
>>          new Runnable() {
>>              public void run() {
>>                  emailer.execute(url + "/liftyourgame/", subject,
>> sendEmail);
>>              }
>>          });
>>    }
>> In order to query the database the thread needs a hibernate session of
>> its own as hibernate sessions are per thread.
>> Currently it creates a session and DAO like so:
>>    public synchronized void execute(String url, String subject,
>> SendEmail sendEmail) {
>>        // For each mailout fetch url and send mailout
>>        if (factory == null) {
>>            Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
>>            factory = cfg.configure().buildSessionFactory();
>>        }
>>        Session session = factory.openSession();
>>        userDAO = new UserDAOImpl(session);
>> /////
>> This means I need to add all of my entities in hibernate.cfg.xml:
>> <mapping package="com.liftyourgame.application.entities"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Action"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.DailyQuote"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Goal"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Image"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.LygEntity"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Measure"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Measurement"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.Role"/>
>> <mapping class="com.liftyourgame.application.entities.User"/>
>> Tapestry doesn't seem to need these mappings for my web application as
>> tapestry-hibernate seems to scan all classes in the entities package.
>> Is there some way I could use tapestry-hibernate to setup a session for
>> my thread?
>> Regards,
>> Greg

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