We are trying to build an application with RESTful URLs, rather than the 
out-of-box Tapestry URLs. We've been able to do this for our page URLs by using 
Tynamo tapestry-routing (http://tynamo.org/tapestry-routing+guide). We would 
like to do the same thing for the event link URLs contained on our pages. I'm 
experimenting with ComponentEventLinkEncoder and have been able to use 
createComponentEventLink to return an event Link with an arbitrary URL. 
However, when the link is clicked Tapestry does not recognize this as a 
component event request, and hence doesn't call the decodeComponentEventRequest 
method in my ComponentEventLinkEncoder. Could someone please point me in the 
right direction to both:

- Generate an arbitrary URL for an event (this part is working).
- Have tapestry recognize the 'click' of that same arbitrary URL as an event, 
so I can route it to my event handler method (not yet working).


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