   I'm not sure what the significance of using tapestry-jdo has in this
context. It seems that the issues you're having are related to resteasy
(e.g. not serializing to xml would be a problem even if they were not JDOs.
Can you try your problem and see if you can serialize non-JDO objects ?


Alex K

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:55 PM, Paulo Andrade <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to use tapestry-resteasy and tapestry-jdo, I have everything
> setup and working.
> Except for on detail: all jaxb anotations (XmlRootElement, XmlElement,
> etc) I use on my domain objects are simply ignored. They produce no effect
> whatsoever.
> Basically I want to control which fields/properties are visible via the
> rest api, but nothing produces effects. I tried
> @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE), changing the name of a property etc.
> I have even removed all jaxb anotations and every single time all fields
> are output.
> Has anyone encountered this problem? I'm using the
> resteasy-jackson-provider.
> Any clues on where should I be looking?
> Best regards,
> Paulo Andrade
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