Cool,  good to know for future -  My n00bness is still cool too!
I've added it to the rosetta stone jira 
( for the 
more-than-one-way-to-skin-a-cat approach of getting stuff done in Tapestry.

On 26/04/2012, at 12:28 AM, Felix Scheffer wrote:

> Grid works fine. It's using inheritInformalParameters
> @Component(parameters = "class=tableClass", inheritInformalParameters =
> true)
> private Any table;
> 2012/4/25 Chris Mylonas <>
>> GridColoum suffers from the same thing having a look at the code.  There
>> is no sign of resources.renderInformalParameters()
>> Same for Grid.
>> hehe.... what I've learned this week from the list, you'll have to
>> contribute the NoFUD service to the registry with @EagerLoad to get in
>> before the rest of it starts up.  Hopefully yuicompressor won't give you
>> schtick in tomcat 7 for multi zoned AJAX with IE6*
>> *please don't mind the embellishment.
>> On 26/04/2012, at 12:06 AM, Lance Java wrote:
>>> I'm happy to call a bug a bug but I shall valiantly defend my baby
>>> (tapestry) from FUD
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