I'm trying to make a lookup dialog that lets users lookup accounts by name. It 
obviously has a form where the user can enter a partial name. The form has a 
t:zone and the onSuccess handler either tries to return the zone or use 
AjaxResponseRenderer to return the content of the zone. which has the list of 
matching accounts.

My component via javascript automatically clicks a hidden submit button to 
submit the form. The form, zone and list are all in the component. It works 
fine when in a page, but when this is run as a component I get this error:

Page must be specified before initializing for partial page render.
Not very helpful. It appears that the form is not being submitted via AJAX 
(request.isXHR is false.) Can one submit a form inside a component via AJAX 
that updates a zone inside that component? I can't put the zone outside the 
component and update the entire thing, since it messes up the value of the text 
This is using Tapestry 5.3.3.

Norman Franke
Answering Service for Directors, Inc.

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