On Jun 19, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:

> How about <t:checkbox label="prop:propertyThatProvidesLabel">?
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:47 AM, Norman Franke <nor...@myasd.com> wrote:
>> I'm creating a list of t:checkbox items and I want to label them. I can't
>> use t:label, since I need to customize the label.
>> At first, I tried: ${component:myCheckItemID} since the documentation says
>> that should result in the clientId for the compoent. It doesn't, I get
>> basically the toString() of the Checkbox object. I can't do
>> ${component:myCheckItemID.clientId} either, since that results in an error.
>> Short of injecting the component into my class and making it a property,
>> how do I get the clientId of the checkbox component?

That would work, but I was thinking more general case. 

This document: 
seems to indicate that it should give me "The id of another component within 
the same template", but really gives you the actual component and you can't use 
the dot notation to then access its properties.

Norman Franke
Answering Service for Directors, Inc.

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