It's good to know, I hope, that this hiccup won't affect every user.
I did some testing but, alas, tested using Gradle and not Maven, so
I'm not 100% certain it will work for Maven.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:16 AM, Stephan Windmüller
<> wrote:
> On 19.07.2012 23:29, Alex Kotchnev wrote:
>> did  you figure out what the issue was with the missing bizarre missing
>> dependency problem ? I switched the version in my POM and I see the same
>> problem.
> Yes, I have.
> This artifact
> | <groupId>org.apache.tapestry</groupId>
> | <artifactId>tapestry-yuicompressor</artifactId>
> | <version>5.3.4</version>
> is specifying a separate repository
> | <repository>
> |   <id>maven-play-plugin</id>
> |   <name>Maven Play Plugin</name>
> |
> <url></url>
> | </repository>
> in its pom. Since we use a maven proxy, this repository was not reachable.
>  Stephan

Howard M. Lewis Ship

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