A topic that crops up time and time again is that of the elusive HTTP
404 in T5 apps.

When running a public website, for SEO reasons, it is desirable for
in-exact urls to return a HTTP 404 rather than returning a 'best fit'
page.For the same reasons, it is undesirable for malformed urls to
return an HTTP 500. So in T5.3.4, I finally got round to converting
all those URL requests to HTTP 404s.

The approach taken is to generate a 'MangledUrlException' at poignant
points and have an ExceptionHandler catch this specific exception to
return a HTTP 404.The code changes I use to throw a
'MangledUrlException' are outlined below:

My method of catching and identifying the MangledUrlException (as it's
often wrapped deep inside a T5 exception) may not be suitable for all,
so I've left that part out.

Use Case 1 : Illegal Url "http://localhost/spa%20ce";
This usually gives a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
 - Input string 'spa ce' is not valid; the character ' ' at position 4
is not valid.

To your module add:

  @Advise(serviceInterface=ContextPathEncoder.class) @Traditional
  public static void adviseContextPathEncoder(MethodAdviceReceiver
receiver, @Autobuild AdviseContextPathEncoder advice) throws
SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
    Method method = ContextPathEncoder.class.getMethod("decodePath",
    receiver.adviseMethod(method, advice);

  public class AdviseContextPathEncoder implements MethodAdvice {
    public void advise(MethodInvocation invocation) {
      try {
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new MangledUrlException();

Use Case 2 : Illegal Url "http://localhost/index.wotever";
This usually gives an org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueException
 - Component Index does not contain embedded component 'wotever'.

  public static void
adviseComponentEventRequestHandler(MethodAdviceReceiver receiver,
@Autobuild AdviseComponentEventRequestHandler advice) throws
SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
    Method method =
    receiver.adviseMethod(method, advice);

  public class AdviseComponentEventRequestHandler implements MethodAdvice {
    private final String className;
    private final String methodName;

    public AdviseComponentEventRequestHandler() throws
SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
      // set these early so we're notified of any API changes
      // PageImpl isn't a service, so we can't advise it directly!
      className   = PageImpl.class.getName();
      methodName  =

    public void advise(MethodInvocation invocation) {
      try {
      } catch (UnknownValueException e) {
        if (componentIdIsMangled(e)) {
          ComponentEventRequestParameters params =
(ComponentEventRequestParameters) invocation.getParameter(0);
          throw new MangledUrlException(params.getActivePageName(),

    private boolean componentIdIsMangled(UnknownValueException e) {
      for (StackTraceElement stackElement : e.getStackTrace())
        if (stackElement.getClassName().equals(className) &&
          return true;
      return false;

Use Case 3 : Unwanted context "http://localhost/index/unwanted";
This usually returns the index page.

  public static void
configuration) {
NotRequiredWorker.class, "after:*");

   * It's important that that this is added "after:*" as we need to
ensure no-one else has added onActivate() handlers.
  public class NotRequiredWorker implements ComponentClassTransformWorker2 {
    public void transform(PlasticClass plasticClass,
TransformationSupport support, MutableComponentModel model) {
      if (!model.isPage())

      // FUTURE: this does not identify mixins which implement onActivate()
      if (model.handlesEvent(EventConstants.ACTIVATE))

      support.addEventHandler(EventConstants.ACTIVATE, 0,
        "NotRequiredWorker activate event handler",
        new ComponentEventHandler() {
          public void handleEvent(Component instance, ComponentEvent event) {
          if (event.getContext().length > 0) {
            String pageName = instance.getComponentResources().getPageName();
            throw new MangledUrlException(pageName,

Steve Eynon
"If at first you don't succeed,
   so much for skydiving!"

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