I don't think this addresses the problem though, right?

If client-side form validation fails you still are in a state where you
can't click the submit button again after fixing the error.

Tapestry doesn't have an event for "validation failed", and I don't know of
an approved way to workaround that. But! What you can do is add an observer
for Tapestry.FORM_VALIDATE_FIELDS_EVENT and set a timeout (1/4 of a
second?) to re-enable the field if you don't get a
Tapestry.FORM_PREPARE_FOR_SUBMIT_EVENT before the timeout.

Here is a prototype based on Geoff's example from jumpstart. This was
created for submit buttons, you'd have to adjust for links (find the

ClickOnce = Class.create( {

    initialize: function(elementId) {
        var el = $(elementId);
        el.clickOnce = this;
        if ( el['form'] ) {
            el.form.observe(Tapestry.FORM_VALIDATE_FIELDS_EVENT, function()
                console.log("Hey, we're observing!");
                el.clickOnce.clickOnceTimeout =
                    console.log("Let them click again")
                    el.clickOnce.alreadyClickedOnce = false;
                }, 250)

function() {
        this.alreadyClickedOnce = false;

        Event.observe(el, 'click',

    doClickOnce: function(e) {
        var element = Event.element(event);
        if (element.clickOnce.alreadyClickedOnce) {
            console.log("and cancelled");
        element.clickOnce.alreadyClickedOnce = true;

} );

// Extend the Tapestry.Initializer with a static method that instantiates a

Tapestry.Initializer.clickOnce = function(spec) {
    new ClickOnce(spec.elementId);

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