Thanks Thiago... and for the javaloyal friendly welcome.

I did a CustomHead component... and it reaches into my database and overrides 
themes modeled in CSS appropriately as desired... so I can soup up my model 
object to whatever I like and my web site model gets persisted to relaunch the 
way I like it... or the way any user would like their;s.

I did it for general header, footer, content and splash.

Guess I am back in the saddle... again

Best Regards and thanks

Subject: custom head component
Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2012 21:15:10 -0400

Hi Folks,

In T4 I use to operate a custom head component. And I instrumented the 
stylesheet and injected special style sheet stuff that I grabbed out of my 
database that characterizes things programmatically as configured (ie. custom 
header image for top frame).

    stylesheet="ognl:assets.stylesheet"    >

<body jwcid="@Body">
    <span jwcid="@Script" script="/org/trails/demo/components/CustomHead.script"

Are there any thoughts as to how this would pan out for T5? 
What new components might be available default or commercial.
or any ideas to customize?

Hoping for a magic bullet.

thanks in advance

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