You are giving us incomplete examples, so we can only guess. However my
suspicion is that your declaration of default value itemsPerPage is bad.
Tapestry 5 does not like initialisation of private fields in components and
pages. Try:

    @Parameter(value="50", required = false, cache = false)
    private int itemsPerPage;

If it does not help, send minimal but complete example of failing code
(i.e. Java source + TML).

Best regards,

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 6:05 AM, Ken in Nashua <> wrote:

> thanks czar
> yeah collestion is absolutely size = 1 and has a hibernate entity in it
> In my Gallery.JAVA I tried the following...
> removed @Property on itemsPerPage
> and added
>     public Integer getItemsPerPage() {
>         return itemsPerPage;
>     }
> and invoked it directly instead of attempting to reference itemsPerPage
> still produces NPE
> :(

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