My main catching issue being

on login... my persistent properties are null... and I can predictably load 
them from the database

so i go ahead and use my app... then i decide to click logout button...

app is still running though... just unauthenticated...

so I go ahead and click login link... AND...

on login... my persistent properties are NOT null (since it isnt bootstrap) ... 
and I cant load them from the database because my condition for loading from 
the database is the null check... so it takes what they floated to be after 
logout... which is NOT what was persisted by the authenticated user.

So my subsequent logins are not making it past this logic.

I need a new condition other than the null check.

Might anyone know what my condition may be? in order to persist properties like 
these from/to to/from the database?

like I said the afterRender works like abreeze

Thank You


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