In my opinion never use @Persist in a reusable component. We have it in Grid 
and it does create a problem when there are multiple grids on a page. Besides 
you don't want a session at times and Grid doesn't help.

Pages can have @Persist e.g. you have a search page where you want the search 
criteria to be persisted across requests. Or if you have a single page 
application where you have a critical data you don't want to keep passing in 
each request. Remember there are still ways to avoid them :)

But between ApplicationStateManager and context, i don't see much use cases.


On Jan 4, 2013, at 1:43 AM, Cezary Biernacki wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Alex Kotchnev <> wrote:
>> Now, as far as I  understand, @Persist("session") stores the value in the
>> session, keyed on the component class (e.g. thus in component A, a field
>> "@Persist private String fooMessage" would/could store a different value
>> than "@Persist private String fooMessage" in component B). However,  I'm
>> not 100% clear is whether if I have "@Persist private String fooMessage" in
>> two different instances of the component - would they have the same value
>> ?
> See
> "A suitably long session attribute name is used; it incorporates the name
> of the page, the nested component id, and the name of the field."
> It means that every component instance has its own persisted values.
> However when one component instance is rendered multiple times
> (e.g. inside Loop or via repeated Delegate to the same Block),
> than the same set of persisted values is used.
> My rule of thumb regarding @Persist('session') fields:
> put them only in page classes or components
> that are supposed to be rendered only once per page (e.g. a layout
> component).
> Other components might access persisted data via parameter bindings.
> Best regards,
> Cezary

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