Which browser? I've just discovered it has a problem in IE 9. It's OK in IE
9's compatibility mode but in normal mode it doesn't show the overlay.

If IE 9 is your problem then try replacing this:

    new StylesheetOptions().withCondition("IE")

with this (untested):

    new StylesheetOptions().withCondition("(IE 7)|(IE 8)")


On 28 March 2013 03:52, Alberto Fernández <afernan...@easis.es> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to show a spinner when I update a zone or submit a form. I
> tried copying fully this
> example<
> http://jumpstart.doublenegative.com.au/jumpstart/examples/ajax/loadingspinner
> >
> that
> uses that javascript (zone-overlay.js)
> Tapestry.onDOMLoaded(function() {
>     function addZoneOverlay(event, element) {
>         var mgr = Tapestry.findZoneManager(element);
>         var zone = mgr && mgr.element;
>         if (!zone) {
>             return;
>         }
>         zone.insert({top:"<div class='zone-loading-overlay'/>"});
>         var zoneDims = zone.getDimensions()
>         var overlay = zone.down("div");
>         overlay.setStyle({
>             width: zoneDims.width + "px",
>             height: zoneDims.height + "px"
>         });
>     }
>     // Tell document body to call addAjaxOverlay whenever a Form is
> submitted or a zone-related form or link is clicked.
>     $(document.body).on(Tapestry.FORM_PROCESS_SUBMIT_EVENT,
> addZoneOverlay);
>     $(document.body).on(Tapestry.TRIGGER_ZONE_UPDATE_EVENT,
> addZoneOverlay);
> });
> The spinner is not shown and If i add a console message below the last two
> lines of the document, it works, but it seems that the addZoneOverlay
> fucntion
> is never been called because adding a console.log(xx) message inside the
> function does not work.
> Only difference between my example and mine is that i use
> xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_1_0.xsd";
> I'm using tapestry 5.2.4. Could be in my version the problem?
> Thanks a lot

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