1. You can move form up, so that you personeditor component will contain
only form controls:


  <t:personeditor t:person="person" />


    <t:textfield t:value="person.name" />


  <t:personeditor t:person="person" />
  <t:textfield t:value="extraField" />

All validation logic can be deffered using FormSupport.

2. Or you can use block parameters.


<t:personeditor t:person="person" />


    <t:textfield t:value="person.name" />
    <t:delegate to="extra"/>


private Block extra;


<t:personeditor t:person="person">
    <t:textfield t:value="extraField" />

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 2:53 PM, Nathan Quirynen <nat...@pensionarchitects.be
> wrote:

>  Hi,
> I have a component which I pass a Person object as parameter. This
> component contains a form to edit the person's data.
> *page.tml*
> <t:personeditor t:person="person" />
> *personeditor.tml*
> <t:form>
>     <t:textfield t:value="person.name" />
>     ...
> </t:form>
> Now what should I do if I have the following:
> I have a class Employee containing a Person object and 1 extra field.
> public class Employee {
>     private Person person;
>     private String extraField;
> }
> I'd like to reuse the component to edit the person data, but I also need
> to be able to edit that extra field, which should be located in one and the
> same form. The problem here is that the form is defined in the person
> editor component.
> So what's a good way to do this and still reuse my personeditor in some
> way, or at least avoid duplicate code.
> --
> Een klare kijk op aanvullende pensioenen
> *Nathan Quirynen*
> 03 340 04 60 | 0494 28 45 15
> nat...@pensionarchitects.be
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