That's a very odd error to get for a symbol without a definition, and I'd
call that a bug. It's supposed to be a very clear error that "foo" is not

On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Michael Prescott <> wrote:

> I'm using Symbols injected into my app's tapestry module to read web
> context init parameters.
> class MyModule {
>    @Inject
>    @Symbol("myapp.hairinesslevel")
>    private int hairinessLevel;
> }
> I run the app in a bunch of different ways - in jetty:run, deployed as a
> service, and in a web container, so occasionally I forget to define a
> symbol.
> Unfortunately, that tends to result in a very hard to read error about
> recursion in the definition of 'ApplicationDefaults'.
> Is there some canonical approach for injecting symbol that produces cleaner
> error messages when the symbol is undefined?
> Gratefully,
> Michael

Howard M. Lewis Ship

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