Something like this (not tested)

private ComponentResources resources;

private JavaScriptSupport jss;

private String pdfUrl;

void setupRender() {
if (pdfUrl != null) {
jss.addScript("document.location.href = '%s';", pdfUrl);

void onSuccessFromForm() {
long pdfId = doWorkPriorToPdfGeneration(...);
pdfUrl = resources.createEventLink("generatePdf", pdfId);

StreamResponse generatePdf(long pdfId) {
// generate the PDF

If you don't want to use flash persistence, you can use page activation
context or a request parameter etc.

On 24 April 2013 17:51, George Christman <> wrote:

> Hi Lance, I think I'm with you most of the way with the exception of
> generating a link to the pdf event.
> So I'm returning PurchaseRequest.class in my onSuccess method which would
> for the page to reload with context from onPassivate, this should resolve
> my sync issues. Where I'm lost is how to trigger the script to call the
> StreamResponse. I thought maybe this could be done in the url like so,
> http://domain/purchaserequest/958:generatepdf. I'm just not sure what the
> appropriate way of doing this is, or how to do it at that. I'm assuming you
> would need some sort of business logic to prevent people from just using
> that same URL over and over again. How would you tigger the script on
> return?
> Thanks Lance.
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Lance Java <
> >wrote:
> > Split it into 2 phases:
> >
> > Phase 1: Submit form
> > Do the work (webservice + version increment)
> > Generate a link to the generatePDF event
> > Return the page to be re-rendered
> >
> > Phase 2: Re-render the page
> > Use javascript to download the PDF once the page has loaded.
> >

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