
I am operating a tapestry web app.

I have my own web app specific layout which defines a myriad of DIV blocks that 
use ID for "header", "content", "page", "main", etc.... and I operate these ID 
definitions heavily within my own CSS.

But then along comes a third party library that promotes usage of their 
component implementations. But I dont know what they are operating for DIV 
block ID names. I guess I was able to get the source code I could see.

Lets just say a component library decides to release a dozen components while 
operating DIV blocks and coincidentally decides to use the ID's for the DIV's 
"header", "content", "page", "main", etc.... and they also decide to operate 
these ID definitions heavily within their own CSS.

Is there going to be a problem here ?
Specifically collision ?

Can anyone comment on this ?

Should web app developers be appending the two letters "My" in front of their 
DIV block ID's if such a component library existed  and does operate ID's for 
the DIV's "header", "content", "page", "main", etc.... and they
 also decide to operate these ID definitions heavily within their own 

Thanks for your input to this subject


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