There is no talking. If I create a jira I am met with contempt. And they got 
some dig about me in the past being a committer...hastily checking in code 
potentially running away with parts of the effort so they cannibalized me. But 
please dont think i am being bitter. I could care less. I am just not impressed 
with the standard.

All I am trying to do is get an opportunity to say they are the best developers 
on the planet operating the best code base in the universe... thanks to chris 
nelson... american made. I havent been able to get that opportunity. I have 
about 150 users waiting to go live too.

Things havent changed. Its not ready for commercial use. If dimitri asks for 
something its handed to him on a silver platter. I get guillotined and fed to 
the dogs.

But like I said all I am looking for is something that works. And they havent 
met that standard yet.

The code base is in shambles. Head rev never built or worked for 9 months and I 
been limping on a snapshot of January 1 checkout.

It seems like me an dimitri and a handful of a few others... cardaddy... 
liftyourgame... or a couple mumbo jumbo out of your home web hacks are using 
it. If I ever went commercial depending on that code base the way its kept I 
could probably be committed to an asylum.

But the opportunity is there to shine anytime they want to. And I am always 
eager to give credit where its due.

I feel bad for the folks who look at it, try it.. and then kick it back. If 
Chris Nelson were operating this code base then I believe it would be like the 
MIT days with x-windows... when you could get a $100 per hour contract and set 
foot in the door of a large corp and reliably deliver.

Is it just a toy? I like the code base alot (its like the terminator of code 
bases) and its got huge potential to allow developers to focus purely on 
business logic. 

All I would like is for it to work.

So I am testing out snapshots of the code base backing down to something that 
might build or run. trial and error.

Or I may go back to the January 1 code base and limp along.

still hoping for the best

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