component does not work because of table tag works without it.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Nikola Vulovic <> wrote:

> behaviour is completely the same with and with out
> (PersistenceConstant.FLASH)
> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 11:10 PM, Nikola Vulovic <>wrote:
>> formfragment is shown when checkox "renew" is not checked
>> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 5:28 PM, Nikola Vulovic <>wrote:
>>> tml file
>>> <html t:type="layout" title="${message:title}"
>>>       xmlns:t="";
>>>       xmlns:p="tapestry:parameter">
>>>     <!-- Most of the page content, including <head>, <body>, etc. tags,
>>> comes from Layout.tml -->
>>>     <!-- A Zone is a component that can be updated in place, triggered
>>> by other components. -->
>>>     <t:navbar/>
>>>     <t:finances/>
>>>     <t:if t:test="clientExists">
>>>         <t:delegate to="block:addExpenseBlock"/>
>>>         <t:delegate to="block:currencySelectBlock"/>
>>>         <t:delegate to="block:myExpenseListBlock"/>
>>>         <t:delegate to="block:trustedExpenseListBlock"/>
>>>         <t:if t:test="admin">
>>>             <t:delegate to="block:fullExpenseListBlock"/>
>>>         </t:if>
>>>     </t:if>
>>>     <t:block id="addExpenseBlock">
>>>         <t:zone t:id="addExpenseZone">
>>>             <t:form t:id="addExpenseForm">
>>>                 <table  border="0">
>>>                     <thead>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                              <th colspan="2">
>>>                                 Add new expense form
>>>                     <hr/>
>>>                     </th>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     </thead>
>>>                     <tbody>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="recepient"/>(*):
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                         <input t:type="TextField" t:id="recepient"
>>> value="recepientValue"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <tr>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="purposeOfPayment"/>(*):
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                         <input t:type="TextField"
>>> t:id="purposeOfPayment" value="purposeOfPaymentValue"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <tr>                    <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="currency"/>(*):
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                         <input t:type="TextField" t:id="currency"
>>> value="currencyValue"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <tr>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="amount"/>(*):
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                         <input  type="number" step="any"
>>>  t:type="TextField" t:id="amount" value="amountValue"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <tr>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="renew"/>:
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                     <t:checkbox t:id="renew"
>>>                                 t:mixins="triggerfragment"
>>> fragment="f1"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <t:formfragment t:id="f1" visible="renew"
>>> hide="fade">
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td colspan="2">
>>>                                 Calculate payment from
>>>                             </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                         <t:label for="dateOfPayment"/>(*):
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input type="date"  t:type="TextField"
>>> t:id="dateOfPayment" value="dateOfPaymentValue" />
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td colspan="2">
>>>                                 Repeat payment every
>>>                             </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                         <t:label for="number"/>(*):
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input type="number" t:type="TextField"
>>> t:id="number"  value="numberValue"/>
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                         <t:label for="timeUnit"/>(*):
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <select t:type="Select" t:id="timeUnit"
>>> t:model="literal:day,week,month,year" t:value="timeUnitValue"/>
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td colspan="2">
>>>                                 Calculate payment until
>>>                             </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                         <t:label for="endDate"/>(*):
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input type="date"  t:type="TextField"
>>> t:id="endDate" value="endDateValue" />
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         </tr>
>>>                     </t:formfragment>
>>>                     <tr>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input t:type="Submit" t:id="add" value="Add
>>> expense"/>
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
>>>                         </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     </tbody>
>>>                 </table>
>>>                 <t:errors/>
>>>             </t:form>
>>>         </t:zone>
>>>     </t:block>
>>>     <t:block id="currencySelectBlock">
>>>         <t:zone t:id="currencySelectZone">
>>>             <t:form t:id="currencySelectForm">
>>>                 <table  border="0">
>>>                     <thead>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <th colspan="2">
>>>                                 Select currency form
>>>                     <hr/>
>>>                     </th>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     </thead>
>>>                     <tbody>
>>>                         <tr>
>>>                             <td>
>>>                     <t:label for="tableCurrency"/>(*):
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     <td>
>>>                         <input t:type="TextField" t:id="tableCurrency"
>>> value="tableCurrencyValue"/>
>>>                     </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     <tr>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input t:type="Submit" t:id="selectCurrency"
>>> value="Select Currency"/>
>>>                         </td>
>>>                         <td>
>>>                             <input type="reset" value="Reset" />
>>>                         </td>
>>>                     </tr>
>>>                     </tbody>
>>>                 </table>
>>>                 <t:errors/>
>>>             </t:form>
>>>         </t:zone>
>>>     </t:block>
>>>     <t:block id="myExpenseListBlock">
>>>         <t:zone t:id="myExpenseListZone">
>>>             <p>
>>>                 List of your expenses
>>>             </p>
>>>             <hr/>
>>>             <table t:type="grid" t:source="myExpenseList"
>>>                    t:row="gridLine"
>>>                    t:rowsPerPage="10" t:pagerPosition="both"
>>> t:exclude="moneyId,moneyIO,moneyNextDate,moneyFinishDate,moneyTs,cliClientId"
>>>  t:reorder="moneyName,moneyPurpose,moneyAmount,moneyCurrency,moneyDate"
>>> add="removeExpense">
>>>                 [Grid here]
>>>                 <p:removeExpenseCell>
>>>                     <t:actionlink t:id="myExpenseRemove"
>>> t:context="gridLine?.moneyName" >remove payment</t:actionlink>
>>>                 </p:removeExpenseCell>
>>>             </table>
>>>         </t:zone>
>>>     </t:block>
>>>     <t:block id="trustedExpenseListBlock">
>>>         <t:zone t:id="trustedExpenseListZone">
>>>             <p>
>>>                 List of expenses from trusted
>>>             </p>
>>>             <hr/>
>>>             <!--            <table t:type="grid"
>>> t:source="trustedExpenseList"
>>>                                t:row="gridLine"
>>>                                t:rowsPerPage="10" t:pagerPosition="both"
>>>  t:exclude="moneyId,moneyIO,moneyNextDate,moneyFinishDate"
>>> t:reorder="moneyName,moneyPurpose,moneyAmount,moneyCurrency,moneyDateCalendar,moneyNumber,moneyRenewal,cliClientId?.clientUsername">
>>>                             [Grid here]
>>>                         </table>-->
>>>         </t:zone>
>>>     </t:block>
>>>     <t:block id="fullExpenseListBlock">
>>>         <t:zone t:id="fullExpenseListZone">
>>>             <p>
>>>                 List of all clients in your home
>>>             </p>
>>>             <hr/>
>>>             <!--            <table t:type="grid"
>>> t:source="fullExpenseList"
>>>                                t:row="gridLine"
>>>                                t:rowsPerPage="5" t:pagerPosition="both"
>>>  t:exclude="mmoneyId,moneyIO,moneyNextDate,moneyFinishDate"
>>> t:reorder="moneyName,moneyPurpose,moneyAmount,moneyCurrency,moneyDate,moneyNumber,moneyRenewal,cliClientId?.clientUsername">
>>>                             [Grid here]
>>>                         </table>-->
>>>         </t:zone>
>>>     </t:block>
>>> </html>
>>> Page class
>>> /*
>>>  * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
>>>  * and open the template in the editor.
>>>  */
>>> package;
>>> import java.util.List;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.PersistenceConstants;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Persist;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.SessionState;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.beaneditor.Validate;
>>> import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
>>> /**
>>>  *
>>>  * @author nikola
>>>  */
>>> public class Expenses {
>>>     @SessionState
>>>     @Property
>>>     private Client client;
>>>     @Property
>>>     private boolean clientExists;
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     private Boolean admin;
>>>     @Inject
>>>     private ClientWebService clientWebService;
>>>     @Inject
>>>     private ExpenseWebService expenseWebService;
>>>     @Property
>>>     private Money gridLine;
>>>     @Persist
>>>     @Property
>>>     private List<Money> myExpenseList;
>>>     @Persist
>>>     @Property
>>>     private List<Money> trustedExpenseList;
>>>     @Persist
>>>     @Property
>>>     private List<Money> fullExpenseList;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     @Validate("required")
>>>     private String recepientValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     @Validate("required")
>>>     private String purposeOfPaymentValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     @Validate("required")
>>>     private String currencyValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     @Validate("required")
>>>     private Double amountValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     private String dateOfPaymentValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     private Integer numberValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     private String timeUnitValue;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist(PersistenceConstants.FLASH)
>>>     private String endDateValue;
>>>     @Persist
>>>     @Property
>>>     private boolean renew;
>>>     @Property
>>>     @Persist
>>>     private String tableCurrencyValue;
>>>     void onPrepareForRender() {
>>>         myExpenseList =
>>> expenseWebService.findMyExpenses(client.getClientUsername(),
>>> tableCurrencyValue);
>>>         trustedExpenseList =
>>> expenseWebService.findFriendsExpenses(client.getClientUsername(),
>>> tableCurrencyValue);
>>>         fullExpenseList =
>>> expenseWebService.findHomeExpenses(client.getClientUsername(),
>>> tableCurrencyValue);
>>>     }
>>>     public Boolean getAdmin() {
>>>         if (clientExists) {
>>>             if (client.getClientType().equals(ClientType.ADMIN)) {
>>>                 return Boolean.TRUE;
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>         return Boolean.FALSE;
>>>     }
>>>     Object onActionFromMyExpenseRemove(String name) {
>>>         expenseWebService.destroyExpense(name, tableCurrencyValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername());
>>>         return null;
>>>     }
>>>     void onValidateFromAddExpenseForm() {
>>>     }
>>>     Object onSuccessFromAddExpenseForm() {
>>>         tableCurrencyValue = currencyValue;
>>>         if (renew == Boolean.FALSE) {
>>>             Money makeExpenseOnce =
>>> expenseWebService.makeExpenseOnce(recepientValue, purposeOfPaymentValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername(), amountValue, currencyValue);
>>>         } else {
>>>             if (timeUnitValue.equalsIgnoreCase("day")) {
>>>                 Money makeExpenseDay =
>>> expenseWebService.makeExpenseDay(recepientValue, purposeOfPaymentValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername(), amountValue, currencyValue, dateOfPaymentValue,
>>> endDateValue, numberValue);
>>>             } else if (timeUnitValue.equalsIgnoreCase("week")) {
>>>                 Money makeExpenseWeek =
>>> expenseWebService.makeExpenseWeek(recepientValue, purposeOfPaymentValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername(), amountValue, currencyValue, dateOfPaymentValue,
>>> endDateValue, numberValue);
>>>             } else if (timeUnitValue.equalsIgnoreCase("month")) {
>>>                 Money makeExpenseMonth =
>>> expenseWebService.makeExpenseMonth(recepientValue, purposeOfPaymentValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername(), amountValue, currencyValue, dateOfPaymentValue,
>>> endDateValue, numberValue);
>>>             } else if (timeUnitValue.equalsIgnoreCase("year")) {
>>>                 Money makeExpenseYear =
>>> expenseWebService.makeExpenseYear(recepientValue, purposeOfPaymentValue,
>>> client.getClientUsername(), amountValue, currencyValue, dateOfPaymentValue,
>>> endDateValue, numberValue);
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>         return null;
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Nikola Vulovic <>wrote:
>>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>>> Code is provided attachments
>>>> Some please tell me why is FormFragment displaying
>>>> --
>>>> nkv1
>>> --
>>> Pozdrav Nikola Vulovic
>> --
>> Pozdrav Nikola Vulovic
> --
> Pozdrav Nikola Vulovic

Pozdrav Nikola Vulovic

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