bUT it tell sme I have a serious problem onmy hands

the output is not matching the input

I dont know what to do

I have seen this months ago tryign to create CRUD pages.

Maybe it has to do with the routing features of tynamo? I dont know...

Here is the routing feature

public class RosterQuery implements ExceptionReporter {

the annotation allows me to specify which array subscript (depending on how 
many you are employing in onPassivate.. if it is an array) gets positioned on 
the URL from between transmission onPassivate and onActivate.

kool tool... but I think i uncovered a bug in it.

The above routing scheme gets me what I want...

    Object[] passivate() {
        return new Object[] { team, team.getId(), this };


and that url gets me to stay on the same RosterQuery page that I intended to 
stay on after table gets rendered.

Not sure what to make of the garble

But I dont like the idea that everytime onActivate gets triggered... its formal 
parameter is NULL


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