Also, in the zone I get following error from the firebug:
27 May 2013 18:05:00 
GET galleryImage.png
 500 Internal Server Errorlocalhost:808016,7 KB[::1]:8080
So, it is not render in the zone ever?
> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Image can't be seen inside a zone
> Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 18:35:54 +0100
> Hi Thiago! 
> OK, my scenario is following. I have stored location of the file to db, and 
> it is being pulled from there by 
> public String getPictures(){
>         if (picture.getPictureLocation() == null || 
> picture.getPictureLocation().isEmpty()) {
>             return "picturesFolder/no_image.png";
>         }
>         return "picturesFolder/" + picture.getPictureLocation();
>     }
> Now, the thing is following: I have two loops, one loop inside another. First 
> loop lists all articles, and the second one pictures for that articles. It's 
> all displayed as blocks using some css styling, etc. What I have observed is 
> that only pictures from the first loop( first article) are being displayed, 
> later one are not. What may be the cause to it, and how to prevent such state?
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Image can't be seen inside a zone
> > Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 09:27:36 -0300
> > From:
> > 
> > On Sun, 26 May 2013 12:52:12 -0300, Nomen Nomanum <>  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Ok, this behavior is very strange to me now. I have stored key location  
> > > of my file in db, and it is being pulled via getImages to show the  
> > > images to the user, however set of images from one article is displayed,  
> > > and from the others is not. Also, images from that one article which are  
> > > visible on the index page, once you click on that article, can't be  
> > > visible anymore in article gallery listing, even though same code is  
> > > used here and there.
> > 
> > You're probably relying in some variable which is being set in page  
> > renders but not in zone updates, probably by use of @SetupRender (or  
> > setupRender(), same thing), which isn't called in AJAX requests.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> > 
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