I am trying to use jquery/datatable with 500 records. It seems slow in
loading but it is working fine. So I was thinking of ajax to solve the slow
loading issue. When I set t:mode="true", i get an error "JSON data from
server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error."

Here is my tml file

<table width="100%" t:type="*jquery*/*datatable*" t:id="list"
t:source="dataList" t:row="rowData" t:options="options" t:mode="true"

Here is my java file



private List<Test> dataList;


private Test rowData;

public JSONObject getOptions() {

          JSONObject options = new JSONObject();

           options.put("bJQueryUI", true);

            options.put("sDom", "<\"H\"lfr>t<\"F\"ip>");

         return options;


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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