Available from Maven Repo:

- Better CSS for built-in components such as Tree and Grid
- JavaDoc formatting improvements & fixes
- Used Node to compile CoffeeScript, if available
- Update dependencies, remove unwanted dependencies
- Use correct Cache-Control headers for assets and modules
- Significant improvements to the Palette component
  - Streamlined markup
  - Triggers events before and after changing the selection
  - Event listeners can cancel or even defer the selection change

There's been a few other changes:

Underscore is now exposed a module "underscore", not "_".
t5/core/dom:body is now an ElementWrapper and not a function that returns
an ElementWrapper.
t5/core/dom:escapeHTML has been removed, use _.escape()

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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