Are you defining your own ComponentRequestFilter interface? As you have 
included the code for that I am assuming you have.

You have to implement Tapestry's ComponentRequestFilter, not your own as you 
can't contribute to the RequestHandler any other implementation.


On 06-Aug-2013, at 5:53 PM, Will N. <> wrote:

> Am 06.08.2013 14:13, schrieb Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo:
>> I'm sorry, I should have asked for your ComponentRequestFilter 
>> implementation source too. ;)
>> On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 08:31:15 -0300, Will N. <> wrote:
>>> Am 06.08.2013 13:25, schrieb Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo:
>>>> On Tue, 06 Aug 2013 05:10:37 -0300, Will N. <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I am trying secure some pages of my application as shown in this 
>>>>> tutorial.
>>>>> But I am having following error message when I start the application.
>>>>> Since the RequiresLoginFilte class implements the ComponentRequestFilter 
>>>>> interface, I am confused about the coertion error!
>>>> The error is weird. Could you post your 
>>>> PmsModule.contributeComponentRequestHandler() method
>>> /**
>>>  * This module is automatically included as part of the Tapestry IoC 
>>> Registry,
>>>  * it's a good place to configure and extend Tapestry, or to place your own
>>>  * service definitions. spring
>>>  */
>>> public class PmsModule {
>>> //    public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
>>> //        // binder.bind(MyServiceInterface.class, MyServiceImpl.class);
>>> //
>>> //        // Make bind() calls on the binder object to define most IoC 
>>> services.
>>> //        // Use service builder methods (example below) when the 
>>> implementation
>>> //        // is provided inline, or requires more initialization than simply
>>> //        // invoking the constructor.
>>> //        binder.bind(ArbeitspaketDao.class, ArbeitspaketDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(AufgabeDao.class, AufgabeDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(BasicDao.class, BasicDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(FunktionDao.class, FunktionDaoImpl.class);
>>> ////        binder.bind(GrantedAuthorityBeanDao.class,
>>> ////                GrantedAuthorityBeanDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(MitarbeiterDao.class, MitarbeiterDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(MitarbeiterProjektDao.class,
>>> //                MitarbeiterProjektDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(ModulDao.class, ModulDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(PersonMonatDao.class, PersonMonatDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(UserDataDao.class, UserDataDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(ProjektDao.class, ProjektDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(UnteraufgabeDao.class, UnteraufgabeDaoImpl.class);
>>> //        binder.bind(UnterunteraufgabeDao.class, 
>>> UnterunteraufgabeDaoImpl.class);
>>> //
>>> //    }
>>>     public static void contributeFactoryDefaults(
>>>             MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
>>>         // The application version number is incorprated into URLs for some
>>>         // assets. Web browsers will cache assets because of the far future
>>>         // expires
>>>         // header. If existing assets are changed, the version number should
>>>         // also
>>>         // change, to force the browser to download new versions. This 
>>> overrides
>>>         // Tapesty's default
>>>         // (a random hexadecimal number), but may be further overriden by
>>>         // DevelopmentModule or
>>>         // QaModule.
>>> configuration.override(SymbolConstants.APPLICATION_VERSION,
>>>                 "1.0-SNAPSHOT");
>>>     }
>>>     public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(
>>>             MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration) {
>>>         // Contributions to ApplicationDefaults will override any 
>>> contributions
>>>         // to
>>>         // FactoryDefaults (with the same key). Here we're restricting the
>>>         // supported
>>>         // locales to just "en" (English). As you add localised message 
>>> catalogs
>>>         // and other assets,
>>>         // you can extend this list of locales (it's a comma separated 
>>> series of
>>>         // locale names;
>>>         // the first locale name is the default when there's no reasonable
>>>         // match).
>>>         // configuration.add(SymbolConstants.SUPPORTED_LOCALES, "en");
>>>         configuration.add(SymbolConstants.SUPPORTED_LOCALES, "de");
>>>         configuration.add(SymbolConstants.COMPRESS_WHITESPACE, "true");
>>>     }
>>>     /**
>>>      * This is a service definition, the service will be named 
>>> "TimingFilter".
>>>      * The interface, RequestFilter, is used within the RequestHandler 
>>> service
>>>      * pipeline, which is built from the RequestHandler service 
>>> configuration.
>>>      * Tapestry IoC is responsible for passing in an appropriate Logger
>>>      * instance. Requests for static resources are handled at a higher 
>>> level, so
>>>      * this filter will only be invoked for Tapestry related requests.
>>>      * <p/>
>>>      * <p/>
>>>      * Service builder methods are useful when the implementation is inline 
>>> as
>>>      * an inner class (as here) or require some other kind of special
>>>      * initialization. In most cases, use the static bind() method instead.
>>>      * <p/>
>>>      * <p/>
>>>      * If this method was named "build", then the service id would be taken 
>>> from
>>>      * the service interface and would be "RequestFilter". Since Tapestry
>>>      * already defines a service named "RequestFilter" we use an explicit
>>>      * service id that we can reference inside the contribution method.
>>>      */
>>>     public RequestFilter buildTimingFilter(final Logger log) {
>>>         return new RequestFilter() {
>>>             public boolean service(Request request, Response response,
>>>                     RequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
>>>                 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
>>>                 try {
>>>                     // The responsibility of a filter is to invoke the
>>>                     // corresponding method
>>>                     // in the handler. When you chain multiple filters 
>>> together,
>>>                     // each filter
>>>                     // received a handler that is a bridge to the next 
>>> filter.
>>>                     return handler.service(request, response);
>>>                 } finally {
>>>                     long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
>>>           "Request time: %d ms", elapsed));
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>>         };
>>>     }
>>>     /**
>>>      * This is a contribution to the RequestHandler service configuration. 
>>> This
>>>      * is how we extend Tapestry using the timing filter. A common use for 
>>> this
>>>      * kind of filter is transaction management or security. The @Local
>>>      * annotation selects the desired service by type, but only from the 
>>> same
>>>      * module. Without @Local, there would be an error due to the other
>>>      * service(s) that implement RequestFilter (defined in other modules).
>>>      */
>>>     public void 
>>> contributeRequestHandler(OrderedConfiguration<RequestFilter> configuration, 
>>> @Local RequestFilter filter) {
>>>         // Each contribution to an ordered configuration has a name, When
>>>         // necessary, you may
>>>         // set constraints to precisely control the invocation order of the
>>>         // contributed filter
>>>         // within the pipeline.
>>>         configuration.add("Timing", filter);
>>>     }
>>>     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>>>     public static void 
>>> contributeComponentRequestHandler(OrderedConfiguration configuration) {
>>>             configuration.addInstance("RequiresLogin", 
>>> RequiresLoginFilter.class);
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> /**
> * Filter interface for {@link 
> */
> /**
> * Our implementation of this filter will check the page referenced in the 
> request to see if it has the annotation.
> * If the annotation is present and the user has not yet logged in, we'll 
> redirect to the Login page.
> * When a redirect is not necessary, we delegate to the next handler in the 
> pipeline2:
> */
> public interface ComponentRequestFilter
> {
>    /**
>     * Handler for a component action request which will trigger an event on a 
> component and use the return value to
>     * send a response to the client (typically, a redirect to a page render 
> URL).
>     *
>     * @param parameters defining the request
>     * @param handler    next handler in the pipeline
>     */
>    void handleComponentEvent(ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters, 
> ComponentRequestHandler handler)
>            throws IOException;
>    /**
>     * Invoked to activate and render a page. In certain cases, based on 
> values returned when activating the page, a
>     * {@link} may 
> be used to send an alternate response
>     * (typically, a redirect).
>     *
>     * @param parameters defines the page name and activation context
>     * @param handler    next handler in the pipeline
>     */
>    void handlePageRender(PageRenderRequestParameters parameters, 
> ComponentRequestHandler handler) throws IOException;
> }
> import;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.Link;
> import org.apache.tapestry5.runtime.Component;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import com.example.pms.annotations.*;
> public class RequiresLoginFilter implements ComponentRequestFilter {
>  private PageRenderLinkSource renderLinkSource;
>  private ComponentSource componentSource;
>  private Response response;
> //  private final AuthenticationService authService;
>  private AuthenticatorImp authService;
>  public void PageAccessFilter(PageRenderLinkSource renderLinkSource, 
> ComponentSource componentSource,
>                                  Response response, AuthenticatorImp 
> authService) {
>    this.renderLinkSource = renderLinkSource;
>    this.componentSource = componentSource;
>    this.response = response;
>    this.authService = authService;
>  }
>  public void handleComponentEvent(
>      ComponentEventRequestParameters parameters,
>      ComponentRequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
>    if (dispatchedToLoginPage(parameters.getActivePageName())) {
>      return;
>    }
>    handler.handleComponentEvent(parameters);
>  }
>  public void handlePageRender(PageRenderRequestParameters parameters,
>      ComponentRequestHandler handler) throws IOException {
>    if (dispatchedToLoginPage(parameters.getLogicalPageName())) {
>      return;
>    }
>    handler.handlePageRender(parameters);
>  }
>  private boolean dispatchedToLoginPage(String pageName) throws IOException {
>    if (authService.isLoggedIn()) {
>      return false;
>    }
>    Component page = componentSource.getPage(pageName);
>    if (! page.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(RequiresLogin.class)) {
>      return false;
>    }
>    Link link = renderLinkSource.createPageRenderLink("Index");
>    response.sendRedirect(link);
>    return true;
>  }
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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