
I hope everyone is having a good day.

I am sure this has been asked before but when searching I haven't been
able to find a solution.
I have an T5 application which runs ok, but I know there are some
issues and I would like to start using selenium whilst it is still
early in the project.
I have used Selenium some years ago, but since it was a long time ago
let's assume I know absolutely nothing about Selenium.

I have read the documentation here:

So from that, I understand:
1) I need to find and make changes to testng.xml
2) I need to create a class which extends SeleniumTestCase.
3) The process involves starting a Selenium Server, a Jetty instance
and a Selenium client.

So what I went ahead and did was:
1) Change my testng.xml. I was having to guess some of this as the
generated one which I have is very different to the example, in the
end I have:

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd";>
<suite name="ama Application Test Suite" annotations="1.5">
    <test name="Unit Tests">
        <parameter name="tapestry.browser-start-command"
value="*googlechrome" />
    <parameter name="tapestry.port" value="8080" />
            <package name="com.syn.ama.tests"/>

The documentation doesn't include "packages" but includes "classes". I
don't know which is right but I tried both. I assume the package which
is wanted is the one containing my classes which contain the tests.

2) I created a test class, for simplicity I used the exact same one
from the documentation. I know this should fail but that's a good
starting point.

3) I have absolutely no idea how to run this. Currently I run using
the run jetty eclipse plugin which I found from the documentation.
When I press run, nothing has changed of course. I think there is a
step I am missing here which isn't in the documentation. Perhaps I
have to manually start a selenium server etc? I thought that is what
SeleniumTestCase would do for me?

My current run configurations for jetty in the eclipse plugin are:
project: ama
port: 8080
context: /ama
webapp dir: src/main/webapp
VM arguments: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xmx600m

So my question is, which steps am I missing? Perhaps there is some
room to improve the documentation here? It looks like a fairly short
piece of documentation (I know it's a pain to keep it all up to date
and it takes a huge effort to do so I am not complaining, I love T5
and the documentation so far has been fine for me learning).


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