Hi Tapestry Users,

Geoff - what a brilliant demo of tapestry's tree/zone/ajax goodness you
have at

I ran into a couple of things that slowed my day yesterday, all in the
service layer - just relaying them here.

I'm using subnets instead of dewey classification system.

in jumpstart node children query (classificationNodeInfo)
NOTE: I'm using glassfish v3.1.2 which has eclipselink.  that native query
for finding children was particularly nasty for fetching results with
parameter substitution.  I did this hackily for it to work, otherwise would
only ever get 1 result - you'll note that i just put the parameter in the
buf.append at the correct spot.  yes, very ugly - reminds me of the 90s
stringbuffer protocol stuff i used to do :)

            Set<Long> setOfIds = subnetNodeHelpersById.keySet();
            String tmp = "";
            for (Long ll : setOfIds) {
                tmp += ll.toString() + ",";
            String queryParameterCorrected = tmp.substring(0, (tmp.length()
- 1));

            // This JPQL query should have worked but Hibernate translates
the count to "count(.)" which is invalid SQL
            // (a Hibernate bug?)...
            // buf.append("select c1.id, count(c1.children) from
Classification c1");
            // buf.append(" where c1.id in (:catIds) ");
            // buf.append(" group by c1.id");
            // Query q = em.createQuery(buf.toString());

            // ...so we use a native query instead
            buf.append("select c1.id, count(c2.id) from subnet c1");
            buf.append(" left join subnet c2 on c2.parentId = c1.id");
            buf.append(" where c1.id in (");
            buf.append(") ");
            buf.append(" group by c1.id");
            Query q = em.createNativeQuery(buf.toString());


return lists of findChildren() and findSubnetsWithNoParent() needed to be
cast, i was getting exceptions in my env

    private List<Subnet> findChildren(Long id) {
        return (List<Subnet>)

    private List<Subnet> findSubnetsWithNoParent() {
        return (List<Subnet>)



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