Good day
I've tried it with the last version from staging repository (tapestry
5-alpha-25) and last version from Git repo (5-alpha-26).
I use Eclipse 4.4.0 with maven-jetty-plugin 9.0.4.v20130625 (tested
also with 6.1.16 in an new Quickstart Project)
Browsers: Popover Failed in Waterfox 24.0 and Chrome 31.0.1650.57, but
today tryed it with IE 10 and.. it's work fine!!!!

Best regards

2013/11/17 Howard Lewis Ship <>:
> What's you environment, including exact version of Tapestry?
> On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Eugen <> wrote:
>> Good day,
>> when I try to require the bootstrap/popover Module I become an error
>> in Firefox console:
>> [22:05:14.435] "RequireJS error: scripterror: Script error for:
>> bootstrap/popover
>>, modules
>> bootstrap/popover"
>> the tml file:
>>  <p><t:eventlink id="complete" event="complete" title="tooltip"
>> class="btn" data-content="Content">Complete&raquo;</t:eventlink></p>
>> the java call failed:
>>     void afterRender(){
>> javaScriptSupport.require("test").invoke("PopOver").with("complete");
>>     }
>> this call works fine:
>>     void afterRender(){
>> javaScriptSupport.require("test").invoke("ToolTip").with("complete");
>>     }
>> the wrapper for ToolTip and PopoOver test.js module:
>> (function() {
>>     define ("test", ["jquery", "t5/core/console", "require"] ,
>> function( $, console, require) {
>>         var ToolTip, PopOver, exports;
>>         ToolTip = function(elementId, params) {
>>             require(["bootstrap/tooltip"], function(){
>>                 var element = $("#"+elementId);
>>                 if (!element) {
>>                     console.error("Element "+elementId+" not found");
>>                     return;
>>                 }
>>                     if (params)
>>                         element.tooltip(params);
>>                     else
>>                         element.tooltip();
>>             });
>>         };
>>         PopOver = function(elementId, params) {
>>             require(["bootstrap/popover"], function(){
>>                 var element = $("#"+elementId);
>>                 if (!element) {
>>                     console.error("Element "+elementId+" not found");
>>                     return;
>>                 }
>>                 if (params)
>>                     element.popover(params);
>>                 else
>>                     element.popover('show');
>>             });
>>         }
>>         return exports = {
>>             ToolTip : ToolTip,
>>             PopOver: PopOver
>>         };
>>     });
>> }).call(this);
>> If the PopOver module is contributed manually in Appmodule all works
>> fine (the module name should be other name that popover!):
>>     @Contribute(ModuleManager.class)
>>     public static void setupBaseModules(MappedConfiguration<String,
>> Object> configuration,
>>                                         @Path("${" +
>> SymbolConstants.BOOTSTRAP_ROOT + "}/js/popover.js")
>>                                         Resource popover)
>>     {
>>         configuration.add("bootstrap/popovers", new
>> JavaScriptModuleConfiguration(popover).dependsOn("bootstrap/tooltip"));
>>      }
>> Is something wrong in my code or it is a Jira issue?
>> Thanks
>> Eugen
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> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator of Apache Tapestry
> The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
> learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!
> (971) 678-5210

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