Sorry, I 'm in a hurry so I 'll write short...

Have you looked for information on submitNotifier?

it's like a pub/sub on the submit event, take a look.



On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Hottois Ludwig <> wrote:

>  Hi everyone !
> I’m surprised, but after some search in the mail archives, it seems that
> nobody had asked this kind of question….
> I’ve a form in a sub component (itself in a sub component), and i have to
> validate and submit my form via a click on a button located in my page.
> I’ve tried a lot of ways, like use @Environmental ValidationTracker or
> FormSupport for trying, but with no success.
> So i’ve decided to do this:
>         ajaxResponseRenderer.addCallback(new JavaScriptCallback() {
>             public void run(JavaScriptSupport support) {
> support.addScript("document.getElementById('"foobarSubmitButton"').click();");
>             }
>         });
> And it works … buuut i’ve no callback for knowing when the validate and
> success part of this submission is ended … and it’s really dirty.
> So i ask to you who are geniuses :) , what do you think be the best way to
> submit a form in a sub sub sub component via a Far away component or the
> top page, with a control of the validation process ( because i have to know
> when it’s finish)
> I know this could be boring for you, but at least, i’ve tried a lot before
> asking J
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> *Ludwig HOTTOIS*
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