I'm happy to present you new version of Eclipse Tapestry5 Plugin with
another "big feature" -- Tapestry Project Outline

This feature brings support for 3rd party Tapestry modules. It analyses
project's classpath and finds project's modules so you can see the context
of your project same as Tapestry see it.

As result you can now CMD+Hover over tapestry core and 3rd party components
in your TML files and quickly navigate to their sources.

Tapestry Context also works in 3rd party JARs now.

Please note that analysis or 3rd party modules will only work if you have
sources attached to your JARs in Eclipse (which is the default if you
import your project via './gradlew eclipse' or 'mvn eclipse:eclipse

As usual you can see screenshots and brief description of new features on
the GitHub:


Version 2.0.9 is the first public release, so many improvements still need
to be done, but it should work for most cases.

Installation instructions can be found here:


Upgrade notes:
If install this update your Tapestry Context view won't work after restart,
you need to close it and open it once again via Window -> Show View ->
Tapestry Context.

Dmitry Gusev

AnjLab Team

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