Hi Eugen,

thanks a lot, I got the zone updates now :). There is only one problem with the initialisation at startup. When I use the invoke method require js prints an error: RequireJS error: require: moduleLib is undefined

    public void afterRender() {

When I debug the javascript code it looks like my module is not loaded correctly by require js, but I have no idea why:

t5/core/pageinit (line 63)

return require([moduleName], function(moduleLib) {
  // moduleLib is undefined here

The moduleName is "myModule", but when the function is executed the moduleLib is "undefined" and cannot call
the moduleFunc function.

On 12.12.2013 21:34, Eugen wrote:
Hi Matthias,
as second parameter of deferredZoneUpdate() function You need to
provide a event link to a function that returns a block or a
Zone.Body, something like:

     Object myEvent() {
        return request.isXHR()?zone.getBody():null;

the event Link, that should be passed to js Module can be created as follow:

public String getZoneUpdateLink() {

JavaScript, something like
require([ "jquery", "t5/core/zone" ], function($, zoneManager) {
     var moduleFunc, exports;
     moduleFunc = function(myController, myZoneId, url){
         $('#'+myControllerId).on("myEvent", function(e) {
             zoneManager.deferredZoneUpdate(myZoneId, url);
     return exports = {
         moduleFunc: moduleFunc

and initialization call in page/component:

zone.getClientId(), getZoneUpdateLink());

2013/12/12 Matthias <thegreatme...@gmail.com>:
Thanks to both of you, I tried Howard's approach but I think I missing
something fundamental.
Heres my new code:

require([ "jquery", "t5/core/zone" ], function($, zoneManager) {

     // #1 with zone.update
     var myZone = $("#myZone");
     // why do I have to set the data-update-zone attribute?
     myZone.attr("data-update-zone", "myZone");
     var zone = zoneManager.findZone(myZone);
     // this works, but just with a string. should I get the dom elements via
     zone.update("some string");

     // #2 refresh - there is no refresh method on the zone?
     // zone.refresh();

     // #3 defferedZoneUpdate
     // the java method is called - maybe this can work

public class Search {

     // the method is called successfully, but my zone is not updated in any
     JSONArray onActionFromDriverZone() {
         JSONArray arr = new JSONArray();
         JSONObject d = new JSONObject();
         d.put("id", "2");
         return arr;


On 12.12.2013 12:56, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
The short form is:  trigger an events.zone.update event on the zone's
client-side element to update it immediately, using available content (a
string, or DOM elements).

Or, trigger events.zone.refresh event when you know a URL and additional
parameters; Tapestry will run the Ajax request and update the zone when
content is available.

I think Geoff's example is actually a bit complicated.  Take a peek at the
t5/core/zone module to see how simple it can be:

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Geoff Callender <
geoff.callender.jumpst...@gmail.com> wrote:

This should give you the clues you need: it's the ZoneUpdater mixin from
the upcoming preview of JumpStart 7. It uses a dependency on

Example usage:

<t:textfield t:id="firstName" t:mixins="zoneUpdater" clientEvent="keyup"
event="firstNameChanged" zone="nameZone"/>


   * A simple mixin for attaching javascript that updates a zone on any
client-side event.
   * Based on
package jumpstart.web.mixins;

import org.apache.tapestry5.BindingConstants;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ClientElement;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ComponentResources;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Environmental;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.InjectContainer;
import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
import org.apache.tapestry5.services.javascript.JavaScriptSupport;

public class ZoneUpdater {

          // Parameters

           * The event to listen for on the client. If not specified, zone
update can only be triggered manually through
           * calling updateZone on the JS object.
          @Parameter(name = "clientEvent", defaultPrefix =
          private String clientEvent;

           * The event to listen for in your component class
          @Parameter(name = "event", defaultPrefix =
BindingConstants.LITERAL, required = true)
          private String event;

          @Parameter(name = "prefix", defaultPrefix =
BindingConstants.LITERAL, value = "default")
          private String prefix;

          @Parameter(name = "context")
          private Object[] context;

           * The zone to be updated by us.
          @Parameter(name = "zone", defaultPrefix =
BindingConstants.LITERAL, required = true)
          private String zone;

           * Set secure to true if https is being used, else set to false.
          @Parameter(name = "secure", defaultPrefix =
BindingConstants.LITERAL, value = "false")
          private boolean secure;

          // Useful bits and pieces

          private ComponentResources componentResources;

          private JavaScriptSupport javaScriptSupport;

           * The element we attach ourselves to
          private ClientElement clientElement;

          // The code

          void afterRender() {
                  String listenerURI =
componentResources.createEventLink(event, context).toAbsoluteURI(secure);

clientEvent, listenerURI,


define(["jquery", "t5/core/zone"], function($, zoneManager) {

          return function(elementId, clientEvent, listenerURI,
zoneElementId) {
                  var element = $("#" + elementId);

                  if (clientEvent) {
                          element.on(clientEvent, updateZone);

                  function updateZone() {
                          var listenerURIWithValue = listenerURI;

                          if (element.val()) {
                                  listenerURIWithValue =
appendQueryStringParameter(listenerURIWithValue, 'param', element.val());


          function appendQueryStringParameter(url, name, value) {
                  if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) {
                          url += '?'
                  else {
                          url += '&';
                  value = escape(value);
                  url += name + '=' + value;
                  return url;




On 12/12/2013, at 6:50 AM, Matthias wrote:


I'd like to update a zone with a simple ajax call and I'm not sure how
its done:
require([ "jquery", "myController"], function($, myController) {

     $(myController).on("myEvent", function(e) {
        // here i'd like to fire an ajax call that should update my zone

<t:zone id="myZone" t:id="myZone">
   <table class="table">
        <tr t:type="loop" source="hits" value="hit">

public class Search {

     // some other annotations needed?
     List<Hit> hits;

     // some other annotations needed?
     Hit hit; // i need this right?

     private Zone myZone;

     private void setupRender() {
         hits = new ArrayList<>();

     Object onAjaxEvent() {
        hits = // do some solr stuff to get hits
        return myZone;

In 5.3 there was a Tapestry javascript object with a
findZoneManagerForZone() method. How is this done in 5.4?
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