Thanks Lance, got it working.

public interface HibernateInitializer {
    public void initialize();

public class HibernateInitializerImpl implements HibernateInitializer {

    SolrIndexer solrIndexer;

    private HibernateSessionSource hss;

    public void initialize() {
EventListenerRegistry registry = ((SessionFactoryImpl) hss.getSessionFactory()).getServiceRegistry().getService(
registry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PERSIST).appendListener(new MyPersistEventListener(solrIndexer));


in AppModule
public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
  binder.bind(HibernateInitializer.class, HibernateInitializerImpl.class);

public static void initHibernateEventListener(Logger logger, HibernateInitializer hi) {

Not sure if this the best way to go, but it works :).

On 17.12.2013 11:03, Lance Java wrote:
I'm not convinced you should be doing this in a HibernateConfigurer since
you need the SessionSource. HibernateConfigurers are executed before the
SessionFactory exists.

Can you add the listener in a @Startup method or some @EagerLoad service?

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