Very off topic but lemme stick my big nose in.

Happy Monday comrade :)

I empathise like a mf dude.  I know a cpl devs that rely on ant rather than
mvn for their build tool for this dependency stuff and with good reason.
Jumpstart is an ant build funnily.

When I find a recipe that works, I sit on it for a dev cycle or three or
four.  Create a basic project and leave it in a git branch for rebuilding
in 6 months to see what breaks.

When stuff doesn't break its a bonus!

Software takes a lot of resources to build and maintain well.

I hear there are good saunas in Russia, take an hour off and let off some
steam, pardon my pun, but that's what I do here in Australia.  Pro tip,
fragrant water splashed on the fire works a treat.  If using a cpl drops of
eucalyptus, watch out for its flammability, u really want to dilute that in
2L.  For hours afterwards your breath will be like an angelic koala :)

Good luck with your building.  I personally break my projects into ejbs,
rest and web.  Makes building and maintaining easier though it requires a
bit more time.  And I've got more time than java dependency chasing foo.


PS, the best programmers in the world are in Bondi beach.  I should know, I
look at him in the mirror from time to time ;)
On 03/03/2014 12:05 pm, "nhhockeyplayer nashua" <>

> all I am after is a build tree that can be checked out, built, operated
> and run as claimed... not stuck, broken, in shambles and in buildable with
> a gazillion transient dependency errors and local build tree errors never
> mind transient dependency errors. Otherwise shut it down or step down and
> let someone else run with the ball.
> Dont dare incite I am prejudice. Thats the easy way out...
> manipulative...cheep... (mispslled on purpose). . though I was ousted with
> prejudice by such a project operating a build tree in fear that they would
> be outperformed let alone addicted to tooting their own whistles and
> locking down a code base they took and ran with for almost a decade and is
> still a TOY. broke and only buildable by maybe 3 or four people on the
> planet. Only the privileged have the keys to building it but their foot is
> fairly solid and aimed into CORPORATE AMERICA.
> I think its time for a change. That open source be held to its title. OPEN
> and that means not closed. But I am talking about a slippery slope. When
> you create a jira (dare to after keeping your mouth shut quiet for months
> and years...careful not to say anything that might piss off the committers
> (OR YOU WILL GET NOTHING) or they will sowe even more bugs into the source
> tree to prevent it from functioning or maybe even attempt to hack you and
> send you a virus for speaking out. Thats CLOSED. And a dictatorship.
> If you cant check it out and build it clean and run it clean... it should
> be shutdown or the ball passed onto someone with a big HEART that cares.
> But wait... this is open source... open source is a very selfish field...
> but ten years of it ? Thats a decade. Ok 8.
> All I am looking for is the diamond to sparkle. is that so hard to see and
> understand ?
> does anyone understand I got ethics, valuers, morals and standards ?
> Instead we got cross dressing dictatorships.
> Ok I havent tested out the soil to see where the others are at. I have
> kept faithful to the same project for a vested amount of years only to see
> the same thing get worse. NOTHING.
> So I will repeat my assertion.
> and if thats too much to handle... take your dictatorship and your alien
> craft and your wardrobe and goto mars.
> and when this industry starts gauging and rewarding the project heads
> (committers) by how much of their code is running and how many users are
> going commercial with it... and especially how the guy in the home office
> is happy with it... then it can be called open source. Otherwise its a
> violation of criteria. FRAUD with one foot in the jungle and another on a
> banana peel .. Open for abuse... and is abused. Until it cleans itself up
> only then will I have respectful words. I lost my respect.
> There are benevolent developers in RUSSIA too that are worthy and generous
> and should be operating these rogue open source projects. I bad mouthed
> m2Eclipse... politely years back and in a matter of months ... well you see
> where its come today.
> And we got the best knocking on our doors to spit in our faces.
> Until they learn the ten commandments and respect to humanity I got no
> respect for them. none no matter where they went to school or how much
> experience they got.
> i shouldn't have to be haunting the forums for this stuff... I should be
> focusing on pure business logic. instead its build tree junk and transient
> dependencies and crash bugs bootstrap bugs
> all by design and these folks are likely wanting to speak at DEV CON or
> other open source gatherings.
> I see a ton of cleaning up to be done or that javascript MVC/CRUD (which
> is already looking tasty from Pacific to Atlantic) is going to outperform
> serverside JAVA and render it obsolete. Soon they will be implementing ORM
> in javascript by the time this build tree is mature enough to get right
> sparkle like it should and stay that way. then I might not have to burn out
> trying to write software on the weekends.
> I'm not talking about tapestry.

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