Thanks, Geoff. Very nice.
On Mar 5, 2014 11:28 PM, "Geoff Callender" <> wrote:

> Here's an Any div that is a container of things you can click on to
> select, identified by having CSS class "selectable". JavaScript listens for
> click from selectables in the container. It adds css class "active" to the
> selected thing and removes "active" from the others. You can see an
> EventLink in the example, because that's what you'd normally have in a
> situation like this, but the example works the same without it.
> This code is adapted from working code, but not tested in this form.
>                 <div t:id="thingsDiv" t:type="any">
>                         <t:loop source="things" value="thing"
> formstate="none">
>                                 <t:eventlink event="selected" context="
>" zone="^">
>                                         <div class="${selectableCssClass}"
> data-value="${}">
>                                                 <!-- etc -->
>                                         </div>
>                                 </t:eventlink>
>                         </t:loop>
>                 </div>
>         @Property
>         private String selectableCssClass = "selectable";
>         @InjectComponent
>         private Any thingsDiv;
>         void afterRender() {
>                 JSONObject params = new JSONObject();
>                 params.put("containerId", thingsDiv.getClientId());
>                 params.put("selectableCssClass", selectableCssClass);
>                 params.put("selectedCssClass", "active");
> javaScriptSupport.require("activate-selectables").with(params);
>         }
> define(["jquery"], function($) {
>         /**
>          * Adds selectedCssClass to the selected item when clicked, so
> that the server doesn't have to redisplay the container.
>          * Didn't use the jQuery Selectables because it behaves oddly -
> some say it should have been called Lasooable.
>          *
>          * Params:
>          * containerId Eg. "persons".
>          * selectableCssClass Eg. "selectable".
>          * selectedCssClass Eg. "active".
>          */
>         return function(params) {
>                 var containerId = params.containerId;
>                 var selectableClass = params.selectableCssClass;
>                 var selectedClass = params.selectedCssClass;
>                 var $container = $("#" + containerId);
>                 $container.on("click", "." + selectableClass, function(e) {
>                         var $clicked = $(this);
>                         var $selectables = $("#" + containerId + " ." +
> selectableClass);
>                         // Unselect all other selectables.
>                         $selectables.each(function() {
>                                 var $this = $(this);
>                                 if (!$$clicked)) {
>                                         if ($this.hasClass(selectedClass))
> {
> $this.removeClass(selectedClass);
> $this.trigger("unselected");
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                         });
>                         // Select the clicked selectable.
>                         $clicked.addClass(selectedClass);
>                         $clicked.trigger("selected");
>                 });
>         };
> });
> On 06/03/2014, at 1:17 PM, Bob Harner wrote:
> > Geoff, Kristian, do you have any examples for using the "any"
> > component when you need to generate a unique client id to pass to
> > JavaScript?
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM, Bob Harner <> wrote:
> >> javadocs. I meant javadocs
> >>
> >> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM, Bob Harner <> wrote:
> >>> Thanks, everybody! I'll be updating the avocados for that component
> >>> soon, with examples.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Geoff Callender
> >>> <> wrote:
> >>>> My biggest use is the same as Kristian mentioned: to generate a unique
> >>>> client id to pass to javascript. It's usually on a div, span, but
> sometimes
> >>>> on a ul, p, area, or canvas.
> >>>> Option 2 too, but less often.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 3 March 2014 19:51, Kristian Marinkovic <
> >>>>
> >>>>> i use it if i need unique clientIds for certain dom elements to
> access it
> >>>>> with my javascripts.
> >>>>> g,
> >>>>> Kris
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Lance Java <
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> I've used option 2 and I've also extended "any" to make new
> components.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >
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