Hi guys.

We have used the recipe for Exception reporting - version 3

This way we can render the exception page with the current uri (no redirect
and proper 40x).

The website have both http and https pages (@Secure).

The problem we're seeing is that if an error occur on a secure page it will
render our errorpage.
The errorpage does not have a Secure annotation and any eventlinks will
then expand to absolute http links - which does not work for ajax events.

Is this a known issue and should I file a proper JIRA?

Question 1.
It is possible somehow to problematically state that the page should be
secure/non secure depending on the current scheme?

Question 2.
Would it make sense to be able to specify if a page should be able to
operate in BOTH http and https modes? Something like @Secure(strict=false)
or @Scheme(http|https|both = true)

Thanks in advance

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