Here's one that worked, producing a module called jquery-ui:

    public static void contributeModuleManager(MappedConfiguration<String, 
Object> configuration,
            @Path("/META-INF/assets/js/jquery-ui-1.9.1.js") Resource jqueryUi) {
        configuration.add("jquery-ui", new 



On 18 Jun 2014, at 10:25 am, Sanket Sharma <> wrote:

> Hi,
> How do I convert a non AMD javascript module to work with require.js?
> I did some investigate and it seems like shimming is the way to go.
> I would like to take a javascript file ol.js and shim to to export 'ol'.
> The file is located under modules and is packaged in META-INF/modules
> directory in the standard tapestry way.
> Reading source code and documentation seems to suggest it can be done in
> the following way:
> @Contribute(ModuleManager.class)
> public static void setupOpenLayersConfiguration(
> MappedConfiguration<String, Object> mappedConfiguration,
> @Inject @Path("classpath:META-INF/modules/ol/ol.js") Resource ol) {
> JavaScriptModuleConfiguration openLayers = new
> JavaScriptModuleConfiguration(ol);
> openLayers.exports("ol");
> mappedConfiguration
> .add("ol", openLayers);
> }
> What is the correct syntax to refer to inject this file as a resource? The
> above class path syntax seems to be failing.
> Is there a pure Javascript way as well? Been trying to play with
> config/shim blocks but couldn't get it working.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Sanket

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