It figures that after I sent the email I would find a way to fix it.  :-)

I saw that the url that was getting requested had the word 'unauthenticated
<http://localhost:8080/etss/login/unauthenticated>' added to it, and the
response, for some reason, was the first asset listed in the Layout.
Re-reading some other threads on the subject, notably here:

^^ that gave me the suggestion to remove a few instances of the
@RequiresAuthentication annotations off some pages, and JUST use the
modules' configuration:


Now it seems to work as it should.

Crisis averted, until I add the federated login plugin.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Daniel Jue <> wrote:

> Hi, I'm having trouble with the feature for redirecting to the previous
> request after a successful form login.
> I've read the thread and poked around in the 5.1 and later source code for
> the default Tynamo login component, and my login component is essentially
> the same.  It is mentioned that Tynamo now uses cookies to store the
> savedRequest (for good reason), however the code for dealing with cookies
> in the Tynamo LoginForm component is commented out.
> Here is my situation:
> I have a protected page called event viewer at
> http://localhost:8080/graphene-enron-web/eventviewer
> This page uses a layout component common to all authenticated pages, which
> should be fine.
> (The login and registration pages use a separate layout component, for
> unauthenticated access.)
> After successful login, howerever, I am sent to this URL:
> http://localhost:8080/graphene-enron-web/graphene/pub/core/js/plugin/pace/pace.min.js
> The "core/js/plugin/pace/pace.min.js" is one of the assets loaded by the
> common Layout component.
> Actually, what I've found is that the request is taking whatever first
> asset is used in the Layout.
> Previously to this, it would try to redirect to my favicon.ico, which was
> being included in the Layout's header!
> Do I need to somehow make my components or certain assets anonymously
> available?
> Here are some relevant snippets:
> public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(
> MappedConfiguration<String, String> configuration) {
>  configuration.add(SecuritySymbols.LOGIN_URL, "/graphene/pub/login");
> configuration.add(SecuritySymbols.UNAUTHORIZED_URL,
>  "/graphene/infrastructure/pagedenied");
> configuration.add(SecuritySymbols.SUCCESS_URL, "/graphene/index");
>  configuration.add(SecuritySymbols.REDIRECT_TO_SAVED_URL, "true");
> }
>  @Contribute(WebSecurityManager.class) public static void
> contributeWebSecurityManager( Configuration<Realm> configuration, Realm
> grapheneSecurityRealm) { configuration.add(grapheneSecurityRealm); }
> @Contribute(HttpServletRequestFilter.class)
> @Marker(Security.class)
> public static void setupSecurity(
>  Configuration<SecurityFilterChain> configuration,
> SecurityFilterChainFactory factory,
> WebSecurityManager securityManager) {
> // Allow access to the login and registration pages
> configuration.add(factory.createChain("/graphene/pub/**")
>  .add(factory.anon()).build());
> configuration.add(factory.createChain("/assets/**").add(factory.anon())
>  .build());
> configuration.add(factory.createChain("/**").add(factory.user())
> .build());
> }
> From my login form, which is nearly identical to the Tynamo one:
> public Object onActionFromGrapheneLoginForm() throws IOException {
> Subject currentUser = securityService.getSubject();
> if (currentUser == null) {
> logger.error("Subject can`t be null");
> // throw new IllegalStateException("Subject can`t be null");
>  loginMessage = messages.get("AuthenticationError");
> return null;
> }
>  if (grapheneLogin.contains("@")) {
> grapheneLogin = grapheneLogin.split("@")[0];
>  }
> /**
>  * We store the password entered into this token. It will later be
>  * compared to the hashed version using whatever hashing routine is set
>  * in the Realm.
>  */
>  UsernamePasswordToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(grapheneLogin,
> graphenePassword);
> token.setRememberMe(grapheneRememberMe);
> try {
> currentUser.login(token);
> } catch (UnknownAccountException e) {
>  loginMessage = messages.get("AccountDoesNotExists");
> return null;
> } catch (IncorrectCredentialsException e) {
>  loginMessage = messages.get("WrongPassword");
> return null;
> } catch (LockedAccountException e) {
>  loginMessage = messages.get("AccountLocked");
> return null;
> } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
>  loginMessage = messages.get("AuthenticationError");
> return null;
> }
>  try {
> //creates the SSO associated with the user
> authenticatorHelper.login(grapheneLogin, graphenePassword);
>  } catch (BusinessException e) {
> loginMessage = messages.get("InternalAuthenticationError");
>  e.printStackTrace();
> return null;
> }
>  SavedRequest savedRequest = WebUtils
> .getAndClearSavedRequest(requestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest());
> if (savedRequest != null
> && savedRequest.getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
>  try {
> response.sendRedirect(savedRequest.getRequestUrl());
> return null;
>  } catch (IOException e) {
> logger.warn("Can't redirect to saved request.");
> return loginContextService.getSuccessPage();
>  }
> } else if (redirectToSavedUrl) {
> String requestUri = loginContextService.getSuccessPage();
>  if (!requestUri.startsWith("/")) {
> requestUri = "/" + requestUri;
> }
>  loginContextService.redirectToSavedRequest(requestUri);
> return null;
> }
>  // Cookie[] cookies =
> // requestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest().getCookies();
> // if (cookies != null) for (Cookie cookie : cookies) if
>  // (WebUtils.SAVED_REQUEST_KEY.equals(cookie.getName())) {
> // String requestUri = cookie.getValue();
>  // WebUtils.issueRedirect(requestGlobals.getHTTPServletRequest(),
> // requestGlobals.getHTTPServletResponse(), requestUri);
>  // return null;
> // }
> return loginContextService.getSuccessPage();
>  }

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