Hi Luis,

sometime ago I wrote exact such a component for a complex fully generic working search panel with any number of search criteria and data types. I faced exactly the same problems like you, because without doing a HTTP post on the complete page there is no standrad way to keep the state information of the select boxes after let them firing their onChange events.

The solution I found was to write a dedicated value encoder for the selects enabling them to keep state information after each ajax request.

I have to search for my solution and will it provide to you tomorrow.

Greetings, Erich

Am 24.07.2014 17:41, schrieb Luis Salas:

Hi everyone.

I'm developing a refine search component that need to add field's rows dynamically, this rows contains 2 select components and by default a textbox. When I change the value of the first select I have to update the list of the second select and change the textbox to a component that match with the data type of the first select eg. if I selected in the first list a "String" type, the second select have to change options to the ones that String types have and the textbox will remain, but if I select a date type, the sencond select will change the options to the ones that date type have and the textbox change to a dateField. I have done this, but I have a problem when I add a new row, and I change the older row data type, it will update the new's second list and textbox. When I debug it, the zone injected i the java is the last one added and not the one changed.

I really don't know if is right to mix this components. If someone need the source code, just let me know and I will send it.



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