Thiago, that was perfect!  I had in-fact gone down the reflection route and
was getting into trouble since the propertyNames aren't really the method
or field names.   I forgot about using conduits manually that way!

Your code works as is, but I still stuck it in a custom
MeaningfulBeanDisplay component in it's setupRender method, because I don't
want to write this logic for every model for every POJO.  Sometimes I'll
have 5-10 of these POJOs on one page.

Great job Thiago, thank you thank you!

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 10:52 AM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <> wrote:

> On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 10:59:50 -0300, Chris Mylonas <>
> wrote:
>  Hi Daniel,
> Hi, guys!
>  Disclaimer:  I don't pretend to know anything about BeanModels,
>> BeanModelSources and Grids.....however
> I know a thing or two about them. :)
>  Sounds like a bit of reflection to get field names on your POJOs and
>> BeanModel.exclude().exclude().exclude().....exclude() or a bit of
>> recursion til the end of an arraylist of empty/whitespace field values is
>> reached.
> Actually, no reflection needed. BeanModelSource already does this part for
> you.
> Not tested code below. Code could be more concise, but I wanted to show
> the parts involved.
> @Property
> private Object object; // actually, it can be any type
> @Inject
> private BeanModelSource beanModelSource;
> @Inject
> private Messages messages;
> BeanModel getModel() {
>         BeanModel beanModel = 
> beanModelSource.createDisplayModel(object.getClass(),
> messages);
>         List<String> propertyNames = beanModel.getPropertyNames();
>         for (String propertyName : propertyNames) {
>                 PropertyModel propertyModel = beanModel.get(propertyName);
>                 PropertyConduit conduit = propertyModel.getConduit();
>                 Object propertyValue = conduit.get(object);
>                 if (propertyValue == null) { // or any other logic you want
>                         beanModel.remove(propertyName)
>                 }
>         }
> }
> <t:beandisplay object="object" model="model"/>
> --
> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
> Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer
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