Martin, I don't represent anyone on this list nor ASF.  I've not ever
touched Tapestry 4.
But to help with expediting your query -

Define "support"?  I'm sure there are a handful of people here that could
help but, it wouldn't be free/gratis support and/or your questions would
have to be very specific and less vague.

Speaking of vague, what is your actual thesis on because java web
frameworks is quite a broad area :)

Google:  tapestry 4 archive, you'll hit apache's archive 1st hit.
There is still a maven archetype for version 4, although I'm not sure if it
compiles, but it is "advertised" and it is 5 major versions behind.

There are docs still linked to from here
There is probably a book on it.
The old mailing list archives would still have plenty of info.

Asking questions on this list about Tapestry 4 don't get answered as
frequently because it is less alive with most users familiar with 5.X


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Keiler, Martin <>

> Hello,
> for  my master thesis i need informations about Java-Webframeworks. Is
> there any support for Tapestry 4 ?
> I've searched and found no source.
> Best regards
> Martin

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