Does anybody know if this is a bug or proper behavior?

On Sat, Oct 4, 2014 at 8:55 PM, George Christman <>

> Hi guys, I think I found a bug in 5.4.
> I have the following page, Vehicle.class and within it a Request Parameter
> called "key"
> public class Vehicle.class  {
> @ActivationRequestParameter(value = "_key")
>     private String activationKey;
> }
> I also have an email service which is called by a method within
> Vehicle.class that generates a confirmation email to the user. It looks
> like this.
> public void sendPurchaseReceiptEmail(VehicleListing vehicleListing) {
>         Link link =
> linkSource.createPageRenderLinkWithContext(ForSaleIndex.class,
> Util.getGenerateListingContextID(vehicleListing));
> System.out.println("sendPurchaseReceiptEmail " + emailMessage);
> }
> What I'm finding is when I generate a confirmation email with a link back
> to the same page that has a request parameter in the URL, it is
> automatically adding that request parameter to my link even though it's not
> being added to the link with .addParameter()
> Is this proper behavior? Should I be forced to remove the parameter
> manually even though I'm generating a new link?
> --
> George Christman
> P.O. Box 735
> Johnstown, New York

George Christman
P.O. Box 735
Johnstown, New York

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